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Causes of white patches on the skin

Having healthy skin and normal pigmented skin is everyone's dream. However, some people often experience white patches on the skin. White patches on the skin can be caused by several things, including vitiligo, pityriasis versicolor or phlegm, pityriasis alba, hypopigmentation, and so forth. Pigmentation is the coloring of one's skin. If a person is healthy, the skin color will appear normal. In sickness or injury, a person's skin may change color, can be darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation). Skin pigmentation usually varies depending on a person's race and genetic makeup. However, this also depends on the amount of sun exposure obtained.

This Causes White Spots on the Skin

White patches on the skin generally tend to make your skin color uneven, especially if you have dark skin. White patches on the skin can be affected by several reasons, including:
  • Pityriasis versicolor / tinea versicolor or tinea versicolor

  • Tinea versicolor is a common yeast infection on the skin, where there are white patches on the skin of the chest area and also the back. This disease can also make the skin experience brown and scaly patches. This situation most often affects young people and tends to be more common in men than women, and in people who often sweat a lot. The reason is the growth of fungi of the genus Malassezia, a microorganism found in normal skin. This condition is not contagious and is more common in hot and humid climates, than in cold and dry climates.
  • Vitiligo

  • Vitiligo is the presence of white patches on the skin caused by a lack of melanin, the pigment in the skin. This situation can affect any area of ​​the skin, but most often occurs on the face, neck, hands, and folds of the skin. White patches on the skin caused by vitiligo are permanent, and not a contagious disease. Vitiligo occurs when pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) die or stop producing melanin. Some things that can cause and increase the risk of vitiligo are immune system disorders that attack and destroy melanocytes in the skin, a family history of suffering from vitiligo, as well as several other things such as sun exposure, stress, and also exposure to industrial chemicals.
  • Pityriasis alba

  • Pityriasis alba is a skin disorder that occurs due to hypopigmentation. White spots on the skin caused by pityriasis alba is not yet known what the main cause, but this is associated with eczema and allergies. In addition, white spots on the skin are also associated with sun exposure and dry skin. White patches due to this disorder often appear on the cheeks, chin, neck and shoulders. This disorder often occurs in children and also adolescents. White patches on the skin due to pityriasis alba are more visible in children with dark skin. This skin disorder is not contagious, and can also disappear by itself. But people with this condition are advised to keep the skin moist, use hydrocortisone cream, and avoid sun exposure.
  • Morfea

  • Morphea is a rare skin condition that causes white spots or spots on the skin without pain. Usually, these skin changes appear on the abdomen, chest, or back. But it can also occur on the face, arms, or legs. Morphea tends to only affect the outer layer of your skin, but some conditions also limit movement in the joints. The cause of morphea is also not known with certainty, but this skin disorder has a relationship with genetic and environmental factors. Morphea is associated with an increase in collagen and also the extracellular matrix (a component outside the cell found in all tissues and organs) in the dermis layer of the skin. Morphea is more commonly found in women and people with white skin.
  • Leprosy

  • This disease is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy or leprosy is one of the oldest diseases in the world. Leprosy can infect anyone, but 80 percent of the disease is found in hot and humid tropics including Indonesia. Leprosy is often found in the age group of 10-14 years and 35-44 years. If left untreated, this disease can cause disability due to nerve damage.
Some of the causes of white spots on the skin that have been exposed can happen to you. If you experience white spots on the skin and interfere with your appearance, or accompanied by other complaints that interfere immediately consult a dermatologist to get the right treatment. Take care of your skin's health, don't forget to use a moisturizer and sunscreen every day. Although it looks trivial, moisturizer has many benefits, namely to relieve dryness and cracked skin, able to disguise fine lines and wrinkles, and is also useful as a foundation for your makeup.


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