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This is the Way to Become a Person who is always optimistic

Being optimistic about everything will have a positive impact on life. Difficult times that must be faced will feel lighter. Everyone certainly has their own way of dealing with various problems. Some deal with it with pessimism, some choose to be optimistic. Generally, people who are pessimistic, they tend to blame themselves for the failure achieved. Whereas people who tend to be optimistic will assume that every problem has positive things that can be learned. Not surprisingly, people who have an optimistic nature tend to have better mental and physical health. A study says, people who have an optimistic nature have a lower risk of suffering from cancer. Cardiovascular health and the immune system or body power, also tend to be stronger, so the quality of life can be said to be better. Here's how to become a person who is more optimistic in dealing with various problems:
  • Positive thinking

  • Practice the belief in mind that you can do a variety of good things in life that can lead you to the gates of success. Like believing that you are able to study harder, to get satisfying grades.
  • Take good things from each incident

  • After doing all day activities, take at least 10 minutes to think about the positive things that were achieved that day. Thankful for what has been achieved well, including for small things, but often forgotten.
  • Don't blame yourself and don't give up easily

  • When failure comes, don't blame yourself. When failure must be faced, assume that the failure is only temporary and take you one step closer to success. When you fail a test, for example, don't think that you're stupid. But think that the failure occurred because you did not learn optimally. Learn from experience, and work harder later on to achieve better results.
  • Change the use of negative words

  • Reduce the habit of using negative vocabulary to do various things. It is recommended to avoid the word "I can't", or "this won't work" when faced with something. You can change these words with more positive words like "I'll try" or "this will work". Cultivate your confidence, and don't be afraid to fail, at least you have tried, so you can find out where the shortcomings are and be able to fix it until you reach your goal.
  • Focus on the future

  • Don't be trapped in the past, make it a lesson and think about what must be done today and later. Because, nothing can be changed from the past. You can only improve and not repeat things that are not useful in the future.
  • Associate with positive thinking people

  • If the environment around a lot that gives a negative aura, maybe now is the time to reduce the intensity of associating with these people. Look for friends who are able to think positively in dealing with something so that you can be a positive person too.
Someone who has an optimistic attitude tends to see failure is not a big problem to worry about. Failure is only success that is delayed due to an unfavorable situation. So that an optimistic person tends to get back up more easily from failure to achieve the desires and ideals expected.


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